Voyage to Pondy and back - 2017 10th - 17th April 2017
Dear Friends of the RMYC,
In the first half of April, some members of the RMYC planned a voyage by a class of boat called "Sea Bird" to Pondy and back.
A pilot/lawyer - Capt. Arvind Sharma (and his crew Capt. Omkar who are 3 months old to sailing) dared an off shore expedition ... a few of us who had dreamed to conquer the shores beyond Mahablipuram in a Sea Bird (read Mr. Navaz Currimbhoy) quickly responded, and the date of 10th April 2017 was etched in stone .... and the rest is history.
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Final check before commencing voyage
Voyage commenced - Heading out of the Madras Post
Pondy here we come!
Crew Returning to Madras
Finding crew to do what we thought would be a 48 hour journey in a Sea Bird boat (without a covered deck/cabin or toilet on board) was a bit daunting till such time that our Coach Chinna (father of a new born infant sailor who is already on a Level 1 training of figures of 8 and reef knots ...) volunteered to do the expedition ....
The boats were cleaned, Mr. Chidambaram (yes, our "Enduring" Honorary Secretary) pledged his boat and volunteered to do the trip .... Jehan Driver ( the same one that has salt water flowing in his veins) and Sundu (the eternal Mr. Kool) enlisted ... By this time, Arvind and Om had already contacted the subcontractors of NASA and DRDO to provide some sort of lighting on board. The boat looked like a mobile Xmas tree in the harbor when they were finished (picture attached).
Two boats with 4 and 3 people respectively cast off at 7 am. on Monday 10th. April from the harbor and set sail to Pondy. The wind was great @ 20 kmph. from the South - the current was also strong from the South and the swell was in excess of a meter and a half. In effect, we started on a journey that was into the wind and against a strong current ... a French catamaran that had come from Galle to the RMYC about 10 days prior to our departure promised us that the journey would last about 30 hours ... We were packed with plenty of water on board, "ready to eat" food packets, fruits and some petrol (to use in the engine if things got out of control) ... and we were ready to go.
The expedition began as per plan at 7 am. on Monday morning ... however, before the sun could set that same evening, some of us were "throwing up" good freshly consumed Water Melon, Nagpur Oranges and Hill Banana's ... nothing stayed in our stomach ... AND by dusk ... some of us felt that we were tasting our guts ...
Except for feeding the fish (puking) the day progressed well with the Club boat "Dream Liner" [D.L] approaching Kalpakkam around 7 pm. Some of us in the other boat ie. "Capt. Haddock's Sidhari" [C.H.S] were abreast of the Mahablipuram light house (maybe 5 km. behind D.L). Except for Capt. Haddock, none of us ate much ... Capt. Haddock to rub insult to injury ate his share of curd rice for lunch, coffee at 3 pm. and a bit of holy water to bid the sun good bye.
Then, as expected ... the s*i*t hit the fan - at around 7 pm. the wind dropped to below the level of a "gentle breeze" and the effect of the current running in the opposite direction (ie. towards Madras) was humongous. Around 9 pm. we got a call from Chinna and crew that shores of Kalkappam were spooked ... and they were stuck in the same place for over an hour ... the spirits of the Danish "Sadras Cemetery" seemed to have come alive around 9 pm. and the boat seemed on the same GPS point for what seemed like eternity.
To cut a long story short, with two of the 3 crew indisposed ... D.L motored its way south towards Pondy in a slow and steady manner - a remarkable feat considering the fatigue of the day's sail and the physical condition of the crew on board (see attached picture with Om looking like he was in commune with creator) .... As the night progressed, when the wind died, our boat The C.H.S changed tacks and sailed into the horizon for 4 hours till the moon had set and the sun had not risen yet. When the day broke, we realized that land was well out of sight and we tacked again with the hope of being on our way SW to Pondy. However, when land came in sight, we were disappointed to see that we had slipped back 1/3rd. of the distance and were heading to Her Majesty's Water Tanks in Nimmeli.
D.L reached Pondy on Tuesday after 31 hours of sailing (day and night) and the C.H.S returned to Chennai around 5 pm. on Tuesday.
The Return Trip:
One week later, some of the crew from C.H.S reached Pondy in the forenoon by road and set sail at 1 pm. on Monday the 17th. The boat was sailed through the night (the wind and current being favorable) ... the journey ended at 4 am. on Tuesday at the RMYC after 15 hours. This journey in contrast was a "breeze". We had huge swell (there was a depression in the Bay neat Andamans) and the rollers were so large that sailing dead down wind towards Madras saw the bow dig in and water spray into our boat. It was necessary to sail a course slightly away from the shore .... At around mid night, half way through our journey, we had a surprise passenger on board that insisted on sitting next to Chinna all the way from Mid Night till we turned into the Chennai Port around 3 am. on Tuesday (a Tern bird - circled in yellow in the picture below).
If you read this far - you've done well, thank you ! You may have more responses from the other sailors on this voyage .... If you have some questions on the next expedition ... you may be "on the right track'. When we got off the boat at RMYC jetty we were told two things (1) that we looked like starving Indian fishermen on a Sea Bird ,and (2) that the next trip was going to be be to Sri Lanka on the J 80's with wine and cheese to celebrate the sun set ... both are extraordinarily cheerful statements - recognizing my Tamil pride as a fisherman was the icing on the cake for me .... and not many can pass of cheese and wine on the deck of a beautiful J 80 with a cabin and provisions for a loo ...
Guys before I forget, I love my country and am really appreciative of all the help (and voluntary) support the staff, committee, sailors and everybody that helped gave of their own free will .... I feel proud and happy to belong to our sailing Club and the Indian Sailing Fraternity.
How did the boats hold out ?
The Sea Birds at the Club are 2011 vintage and despite a reasonable wind and fully loaded (we were 4 on board) - we had absolutely no problems from the hull or fittings. It's a great boat to sail long distance ....
Bath room, toilet, food, ???
On a 30 hour sail, most of us restricted ourselves to passing liquid waste either as Pee or Puke. HOWEVER, two of us were brave enough to answer natures call and Poop on board. Details and diagnosis are NOT for public consumption AND hearing this for me would be second hand news. For those who want to know the details - write in to att: Capt. Haddock/Sharma ...
The next voyage to Sri Lanka ... when and who to contact ?
The J80 sailors were talking about this .... contact the Club for more details.
Does this kind of sailing need any training ?
Not sure - I think if you are ready to put up with some discomfort AND CONTINUE to do work on board - it may be fine. Also, RMYC is among the few Clubs in the country to have a full time coach and to offer YAI Certification - this will help those of you who want to prepare ....
What is the risk while sailing off shore ?
Actually not much. The Club staff did a great job on the boats. Some of us took specific responsibility including going to the Port/Police to intimate them, some took care of the navigation lights etc. One of our Club members provided a wireless communication system and a tracking device. Google also offers a free service of GPS tracking ... your location (as long as your phone is working) can be tracked by anyone you give the rights to. Also, even when land was out of sight - some phones had a signal
How were arrangements made at Pondy ?
Over a phone call - the folk at the PSA have a little landing jetty and plenty of heart and good cheer to welcome sailors into their Port. BTW, the current Commodore of the PSA circumnavigated at age 5 in his parents boat :) He has half built a sailing Catamaran to do the same.
What did we carry and how useful was it ?
There is no such thing as too many torches ... we carried more than 1 per head. We had a fishing rod, food packets, bread and sandwich making impediments .... none of this was used - we were far too tired by the end of the day and or wasted :) Carrying electrical / electronics had its own limitation, batteries under the deck to power the navigation lights is a bad idea since the spray of the ocean soaks everything. Carrying a hand held compass and tools was useful.
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Wet & Wild Regatta Pawna - 2016 25th to 28th August
Dear Friends of the RMYC,
For those of you who enjoy racing and were not at Pawna - you missed a good event. The fleet was mid sized with over 50 Optimist, almost 10 boats in the 420, Toppers, N.T's and Sail Boards. The lake at Pawna is BIG and the location and natural beauty of the land was breathtaking at first sight.
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Deep and Vidya
Race commenced
Event Logo
In the 420 Class, the bearded man with his super fit crew from The Royal Madras Yacht Club finished 1st. - Mr. Deep and Ms. Vidya Rao. sailed a fantastic regatta despite the wind being less than wild ("wild" was the prediction and the beard had apparently tuned for that wind ?!). Mr. Chinna Reddy with Master Varun Srivatsan also from the RMYC finished 2nd. in the same class and the 3rd. RMYC boat that participated finished 4th. overall - we came pretty close to a hat trick in the 420 class :)
Participants from the RMYC included a Laser Radial and 4 Optimist ... all the boats that could fit in 1 truck from Madras to Pawna .... The regatta was a treat having being organized and run by a bunch of veteran sailors and their wifefriends - "passion for the sport was in the air" and in everything that they did.
Sailors from Clubs in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Goa, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh were amongst those that raced. The number of boats may have exceeded 100. As competitors, one feels good to be connected to an event like this which seems to be run for the best reason possible - just to enjoy the game of sailing. The arrangements during the race were top class - the army had laid out the red carpet which ensured that the on water the racing was near perfect - fair sized courses, square start lines, adequate rescue and hot tea and samaosa's for the lucky ones that came back to shore on time :) What more can a Madrasi ask for ???
Some arbitrary picture of boats racing, medal winners, launching area, natural landscapes etc. are here for your viewing pleasure - the link on the bottom of this page are photographs are courtesy Matrioshka Media , Mr. Srivatsan and others ...
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D.Martins Cup Sunday, Feb 14, 2016
The Lascars Race, D Martins Cup 2016 was held on Sunday 14th February, 2016. With winds reaching 9 k, all boats started from the boat basin within 30 seconds of the 1st. boat. Vincent was leading the fleet with a crew of 4 boys and Dass rounding behind him within a boat length. The race was abandoned due to a surprise entry of INS Virrat that made an entry to the harbor. A fresh start was proposed and 3 minute signal was sounded at Roy mark. Vajrivel was leeward in clear air and the rest of us were all a mass of hull, booms and mast. We untangled our selves and the race was underway. Dass rounded first again and held the lead till the finish with Vajrivel behind them and Ramesh finishing 3rd.
At the Club the Crew of The Mahedi gave away the prizes and our Commodore Shiva and Secretary Chiddy presented the crew with the CLub's burgee (that will circumnavigate the globe on board the Mahedi). Later, some of us went on board the yacht and then to The INS Virrat
Race results:
- Helm - Dass & Crew (WINNER)
- Helm - Vajrivel & Crew (Ist Runner-up)
- Helm - Ramesh & Crew (IInd Runner-up)
- Helm - Vincent & Crew (IV Place)
- Helm - Rajendran & Crew (V Place)
- Helm - Ramu & Crew (VI Place)
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Boat allotment
readying the boats
Helm and crew for the Lascars race
race started in the boat basin with a bang
Spectator boat with the visitors
Briefing before the race
close on heals
Boats rounding the y1 mark
ins Virrat that made a surprise entry in the harbor
The Winners receiving the D.Martin Cup.
The lady officers crew of The Mahedi training to circumnavigate the Globe at RMYC
Commodore Shiva and Secretary Chiddy presented the Mahedi crew with the CLub's burgee
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Carmichael Cup, 2015 Sunday, Dec 13, 2015
The multi class Carmichael Cup, 2015 was held on Sunday 13th December, 2015 in low winds and a calm sea. Four Sea Birds and three Optimist participated in the race. Our top young sailors team, Zefra, Anahata and Satvik took out a Sea Bird for a change. Whereas most boats were struggling to get out of the first channel and start the race due to low winds; Amit managed to get a quick start. However, for a brief while after the start, Anahata and her crew almost caught up with Amit but Amit managed to get his boat moving and the widened the lead by a fair bit. Inspite of a handicap to do a 360 degree after each rounding off the mark, Amit won the race hands down by a huge lead.
The race was won by Sanjay in the Optimist category. The positions are as below:
Sea Bird:
- Helm - Amit, Crew - Vidya (WINNER)
- Helm - Anahata Crew - Zefra, Satvik
- Helm - Chiddi Crew - Navaz
- Helm - Vivek, Crew - Saravanan
- Sanjay (WINNER)
- Jaffer
- Hannah
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Bright Sun shine, low winds - Teams set out
Race begins - Amit makes a clean start
Still waters, low wind, slow race
Jaffer to himself
Amit & Vidya - Lead boat rounding y1
Zefra, Anahata & Satvik at y1 rounding
Chiddi & Navaz follow on
Vidya throwing her weight around..
The young trio close on the heels
The seniors not to be left out - Chiddi & Navaz
Sanjay - winner :optimist, nothing is too big!
Amit & Vidya - winner: seabird, deservedly...
Dufferin Cup, 2015 Sunday, Nov 29, 2015
The Dufferin Cup which was to be held previously was held on Sunday, 29th November , 2015. The Club was filled with children from RMYC, Royal Bombay Yacht Club and Hyderabad Club who had just then completed the India International Regatta.
Due to rough sea conditions, the race was restricted to bigger boats, the two J80s and two Sea Birds. Vivek Shanbag and his crew took the cup in the J80s class, inspite of major strategies adopted by Deep Rekhi and his crew. Vivek put all the kids in the cabin to give some pressure on the bow and won the race hands down even though he had to stop midway during the race to pick up the Harley Davidson crew.
Sarvanan and his crew, Rajkumar won the cup in the Sea Bird class against Amit and his crew.
Course was Club, Y1 and back to Club. The results are as follows:
J80s :
- Helm - Vivek Shanbag Crew - 6 children from Royal Bombay Yacht Club, Suri, three members of Harley Davidson Club and our club staff. WINNER
- Helm - Deep Rekhi , Crew - Navaz, Vidya, Rohan (RBYC), Varun, Sanjay, Jaffer.
Sea Bird:
- Helm - Saravanan , Crew - Rajkumar WINNER
- Helm - Amit Kalra and Crew of one person
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Fairly clear skies, inviting a good race
J80s being redied for the challenge
Storm playing spoil sport.
Making the best of the rain
Sunday 22nd November, 2015
The whole of last week, Chennai faced incessant rains followed by flooding in several areas. But RMYC sailors, Varun and Sanjay faced the weather and continued to train under Chinna Reddy everyday for the India International Regatta (IIR) scheduled to be held on the 25th of November,2015 to 29th of November, 2015. The club staff came early every day and took good care of the boats and ensured that there were no damage to the boats.
RMYC is proud to inform that the Club took part in the rescue operations in the city along with the Indian Navy. RMYC rescue boats and staff participated in the rescue vigorously. RMYC members too did their bit and donated food, clothing and other materials worth about Rs.2,00,000/- for the flood affected victims.
This Sunday the club saw around 18 kids from different parts of the country cast off at 9 AM for training under our Coach Chinna Reddy for the IIR. The scheduled Tinsdeal Memorial Cup- Bangalore Regatta could not be held due to bad weather and tumultuous sea conditions. Hence, the club sailors Navaz, Jaffer, Deep, Vidya, Saravanan and Rajkumar went out on practice session in two 420s and an Enterprise. The date will be announced later.
Carmichael Cup, 2015 Sunday, Nov 15, 2015
One more wet and windy Sunday on 15/11/2015 at RMYC but that did not dampen our kids Varun, Sanjay and Chinna from training within the harbour for the IIR Regatta. Other than our crew, no other crew braved the sea. Jayachandran and I guided by Vincent sailed the Sea Bird within the harbour. As you can see all of us enjoyed sailing in the hard rain.
The scheduled Carmichael Cup series has been postponed due to bad weather and the date will be intimated later.
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Varun & Sanjay "training in the rain".
Varun & Sanjay venturing out.
Sanjay honing his sailing skills.
Inspired by the kids Vidya and Jayachandran prepare to sail the seabird
Dufferin Cup, 2015 Sunday, Nov 08, 2015
The scheduled Dufferin Cup race could not be held due to bad weather conditions. Morning winds were around 18 knots and gust 22 knots and increased to 30 knots as the day progressed. Chinna & Abimanyu trained our kids, Varun and Sanjay in front of the club during the first half of the day. TNSA kids were also training. All of us had great fun getting wet in the rain as you can see from the pictures. No sooner did the kids return to the Club, suddenly there was a big storm as is seen from the videos sent by Rajkumar to the RMYC Whats App group and Chinna to the J 80's Whats App group.
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Chinna & Abimanu training our kids before the storm
Vidya taking on the storm single handed in a row boat.
Storm playing spoil sport.
Making the best of the rain
Lascars at work, after the rains lashed post lunch on 8/11/2015.
J 80s INS Adyar Cup, 2015 Sunday, Nov 07, 2015
Today was some great sailing on the J 80s. Weather was cloudy skies, 1 meter waves and 10 to 12 knots winds.
Winning the toss for boats, Chinna chose his J80 with Dev Misra and his sailor friend Ramesh. I had a airline pilot Rohan as my crew along with Ramu the lascar. The first race was exciting starting all the way from club, sunken ship, Y2 etc.
My Aviator team won by 10 meters even though Chinna was abeam sometimes. A huge container ship crossed the course giving me an edge.
The 2nd race back to club from Y2 was a run. Different strategies were adopted and our Aviator team won by inches.
Chinna sailed well, probably his boat was not as fast as mine. My crew Capt Rohan flew with me from Delhi and we had a good view from top of the weather around harbor. Also we had the beginners luck being the first sail for Rohan. Pilots have a nose for sailing.
Alexander Cup 2015 Sunday, Nov 01, 2015
Many regulars did not show-up for this race may be due to the rain. 5 Boats participated in this race. The fleet comprised of the following:
- 420 - Helm, Deep Rekhi, Crew Vidya
- 420 - Helm, Aditya, Crew Sundar Muthu
- ENTERPRISE - Helm Ramesh, Crew Sumana
- SEABIRD - Helm Saravanan , Crew Preethi, Chitra, Rishika
- SEABIRD - Helm Navaz, Crew Sanjay, Hanah, Jayachandran, Jaffer, Arvind
Only the ENTERPRISE and the Deep's 420 completed the course, the rest did not complete the race due to inclement weather. The winner of-course is Deep Rekhi and Vidya.
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420 class boat - Aditya Krishna at the helm with Sundar Muthu as crew
Navaz helming the Sea Bird with his standard young crew at Y1 rounding.
Ramesh helming the Enterprise with Sumana as Crew
Aditya Krishna rounding the Y1 Mark
Ramesh & Sumana heading out on the beat
Saravanan heading out of the inner harbour
All boats ready at start line
As Navaz would like to put it - The lawyer (Vidya) with a 420 (Deep Rekhi)
INS Adyar Cup 2015 Sunday, Oct 25, 2015
The fleet comprised of 1 opti. 3 sea birds. 2 boat of 420. 1 nt. 1 Omega and 1 laser & 1 J80s. The positions at the end of the 2 hour race was as follows:
- 420 - Helm, Deep Rekhi, Crew Vidya
- OPTIMIST - Sanjay
- OMEGA -Helm, Navaz, Crew Saravanan, Preethi, Jaffer
- LASER 4.7 - Varun
- SEABIRD - Helm Chiddi, Crew Jayachandran
- 420 - Helm Sundu, Crew Abishek, Ramesh
- SEABIRD - Helm, Rajukumar, Crew Ravi
- J80 - Helm Vivek, Crew Abishek
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Chidambaram helming the Sea Bird with Jayachandran as crew
The Winners - Deep at the helm and Vidya on the wire sailing the 420.
ins adyar cup
Brave sanjay on the opti has just been taken by the 420 team.
Navaz and the team on the omega
Varun on his laser 4.7 just trailing behind Navaz on the Omega
The J 80 team with Capt. Shanbag at the helm, Abishek & others as crew
Navaz and the team on the final run
Commodore Claudius Cup Sunday, Oct 18, 2015
The fleet comprised of 2 opti. 3 sea birds. 1 boat of 420. 1 nt. 1 Omega and 1 laser. Varun sailing the Laser was leading from the start. He finished First followed by the 2 opti sailors Hanna and Sanjay.
Results of Aqua Node Mandappam Coast Guard Regatta 2015 21st - 24th May 2015
This is the second edition of the AQUA NODE MANDAPPAM COAST GUARD REGATTA which RMYC organised in association with the Coast Guard Eastern Region. In all, there were about 25 boats big and small. The Regatta attracted over 60 odd enthusiasts across a wide range of skill sets and age (8 to 65 years). Participation was from Ernnakulam Sailing Club, TNSA and the Coast Guard Eastern Region and their guests apart from, and of course, our own RMYC.
This was the time of the month when the tide was low and navigating through the reef challenging. The wind speed on day 1, 2 and 3 was in the region of 27 - 32 knot (50 to 65 km/h approx.). On day 4 it was more manageable, under 20 kn. Racing in these conditions was a tall task, many races had to be called off. Overall, the experience and the lessons learnt was well worth the effort.
Wind chasers want more takers
The New Indian Express 28th May 2014
"We are trying to create awarness about this amazing watersport. There is a huge potential for it in Chennai. The metropolis has such a huge coastline that you do not have to come to the port to sail. You can literally sail out of anywhere here." more...
The Merchants & Professionals Regatta 2103 6th to 8th September 2013
The Merchants & Professionals Regatta 2103 saw about 15 boats racing in conditions that were challenging - the first two days saw light winds (3 to 5 knots) which progressed to a reasonable blow on the 3rd. and final day (it must have gusted beyond 20 k in the after noon).
Omegas, Sea Birds, Toppers, N.T, 420's, 29'er and Lasers raced this championship in the Pursuit Format. All boats finished at 60 minutes (from the first flight). The racing was fun, exciting and full of surprises.
To see the 29'er, Sea Birds, Omega's and most boats in the fleet jostling for the 1st. place on the finish line was really spectacular.
This regatta was the third such event held in the last three years. The M&P 2013 was once again run to "Celebrate The Sailor" - this time to Celebrate C.S Pradipak, who most of us at the RMYC consider the "Father Of Optimist Sailing" in Madras.
The championship saw 5 races being run and the overall results declared were:
Overall winner |
: |
Abhimanyu Panwar in the Laser |
Runner up |
: |
Aditya Menon (in the Laser and Omega) |
II Runner up |
: |
Deep Rekhi (Helm) & Pragdish (Crew) in 420 |
In classes exceeding 5 boats (Seabird) |
Winner |
: |
Chidambram |
Runner up |
: |
Amit Kalra (Helm) Vasant (Crew) |
Our young sailors do us proud! Laser Nationals 2013 Hyderabad - Results of RMYC sailors:
Laser Radial Youth Gold |
: |
Abhimanyu Panwar |
Laser 4.7 overall Gold |
: |
Vir Menon |
Laser 4.7 under 18 Gold |
: |
Vir Menon |
Laser 4.7 overall Bronz |
: |
Dheer Singhi |
Laser 4.7 under 16 Gold |
: |
Dheer Singhi |
Thanks & Congratulations to our young team, well done and keep it up!! |
GAMESA- RMYC 420 Nationals Sailing Championship 2013 7th to 12th June 2013 download press note: Day 1 , Day 2
The 420 Sailing Nationals started with a Bang. Thanks to the onset of the southwest monsoon, the expected happened and the wind swung by 35 degrees thereby leading to the abandoning of the first race. A few minutes later, the wind settled in the south east blew steadily from 8 to 12 knots to the satisfaction and joy of most sailors in the fleet.
Three races were held in a fleet with accomplished sailors having represented India in events including World Championships and Asian Games. Click here for race Results
The Coast Guard Rolling Trophy 2013
16th & 17th february 2013

Commemorating the 36th anniversary of the Indian Coast Guard (ICG), ICG in association with the Royal Madras Yacht Club (RMYC), organised the Coast Guard Sailing Cup at the Chennai Port (North of the channel, along side the fishing harbor) on February 16 and 17.
Six teams from the services (Group-A) and six civilian teams (Group-B) DIG Gurupdesh Singh, Chief of Staff, Eastern Region, Commodore Amar K Mahadevan, Naval officer In-charge, Tamilnadu and Puducherry and Actor Vijay Sethupathy flagged off the regatta
The weather and conditions were remarkably good with steady wind from the East at about 7 to 8 k. on day one and a little less on the day of the finals. The Sailors put up a great show through two days and a 10 race series. RESULTS of The Coast Guard Rolling Trophy 2013
Click on photo albums for the entire collection of the event.
RMYC sailors are at it again... Laser Nationals-Mumbai 2012
At the just concluded Laser Nationals in Mumbai (part of 'Festival of Sails'), RMYC had a terrific medal haul:
Laser Radial under 19 Gold |
: |
Abhimanyu Panwar |
Laser Radial under 19 Silver |
: |
Shiv Rekhi |
Laser 4.7 Boys Bronze |
: |
Vir Menon |
Laser 4.7 Girls Silver |
: |
Avanti Menon |
Laser 4.7 under 16 Boys Gold |
: |
Vir Menon |
Laser 4.7 under 16 Girls Gold |
: |
Avanti Menon |
Our very own Chinna Reddy performed admirably well in the Laser Radial & Aditya Menon (racing after 30 years) didn't do too badly in the Masters category of the Laser Standard. Congratulations to our young team, our coach & our mentors to make RMYC proud! Well done and keep it up!! |
Riding the waves royally for more than a century THE TIME OF INDIA, CHENNAI / MONDAY, 1 OCTOBER 2012
Manish Raj TNN
Chennai: The sails are aligned and the ropes are bound, when a gust of wind sweeps the boat towards the sea. Capt Vivek Shanbhag glances at the fluttering ‘telltale,’ a thin thread used to gauge wind direction and speed, and says, “The wind speed is 10 knots, or roughly 7 km per hour, which will take an hour to reach Tiruvanmiyur beach.” ...more
Merchants & Professionals Regatta 2012
Sailing conditions were fantastic. Abhi sailed a great regatta. The Sea Bird races were fun to watch with the fleet getting tighter. Some photographs are posted at the Photo Album. Official race result will be posted soon |
RMYC sailors make a clean sweep at the Laser Week 2012, Hyderabad
RMYC Laser Week 2012 Results:
Laser Radial (Open) |
: |
Rohini Rau 4th, Abhimanyu Panwar 8th (only U 19 in top 10) |
Laser Radial (Women's) |
: |
Rohini Rau 1st |
Laser Radial (U/19) |
: |
Abhimanyu Panwar 1st |
Laser 4.7 (Open) |
: |
Vir Menon 1st |
Laser 4.7 (Boys) |
: |
Vir Menon 1st |
Laser 4.7 (U/16) |
: |
Vir Menon 1st |
YAI RMYC 420 Coastal National Championship 22-27 MAY 2012
The 420 Class of boats racing the Nationals in Chennai saw a fleet of 18 boats. The fleet comprised sailors from Hydrabad, Bhopal, Bombay and Chennai. The National Championship concluded with the team of Mr. Yakobu K. & Mr. Rajeev Kumar (AWSA – Hydrabad)) managing to hold down the young team of Upamanyu Dutta and Hussain Arssiwalla (RBYC – Bombay) in the final race. In true championship form, even the last race was critical and the decider for this well contended event. RESULTS of 420 Coastal National Championship 2012
Right to left 1st, 2nd & 3rd place - Overall |
Right to left, 1st, 2nd & 3rd place - Youth catagory |
RMYC Staff Race 2012
5 Boats (Sea Bird) raced, Aroki Dass with Vivek and Indira as crew finished FIRST. Rajendran (with Amit Kalra) finished a close second, followed by Chinna Reddy, Vajrivel and Ramesh
Staff Race 2012 participants |
Winners Staff Race 2012 |
Merchants & Professionals Regatta 9th to 11th December 2011
Fair winds, good weather set the stage for great sailing conditions in which about 20 boats in a multitude of classes including the Olympic Class Laser, The Asian Class 420, Omega, Optimist, Sea Bird – all raced in a 4 race series. The boats were handicapped by arriving on Pursuit Numbers based on The Ports Mouth handicap; an international system of racing different classes of boats on the same course. This system of racing sees the agile and young racing on the same course with the experienced sailors. The youngest sailor was less than 7 years of age.
Winners: |
In the Omega Class of boat helmed by Zephra Currimbhoy with Samaria, Arjun and Navaz as crew. |
The second place: |
Was won by Mr. Deep Rekhi with Vidya M as crew in the 420 class. |
The third place: |
Was won by Master Abhimanyu in the Laser Radial. |
The races were run on the Pursuit Mode possibly for the first time in the country. Support on water was provided by the Navy and Coastguard. The races were run under the patronage of the Chennai Port Chairman.
The prizes were given away by the Commodore of the Royal Madras Yacht Club Mr. Kishore Reddy.

RESULTS: Gamesa-RMYC 420 Nationals Sailing Championship 2013.

RESULTS: Coast Guard Rolling Trophy 2013.
RESULTS: 420 Coastal National Championship 2012
Merchants & Professionals Regatta 2011
IIR - 2011
Reflections on Heritage Sail
In the News:
RMYC propagates the Coast Guard motto
The Hindu 17/01/2014
TOI - City from the sea
Madras Musings - Celebrating a sailing centenary
A Madras Week 2011 Diary.